New homes in North Walsham
Hopkins Homes’ proposal for new homes and a care home on land south of Norwich Road, North Walsham was considered by North Norfolk District Council’s Development Committee at a meeting on Thursday 25th January and received an officer’s recommendation for approval.
The site has an allocation in North Norfolk District Council’s emerging Local Plan and detailed permission is being sought for 343 new homes including 53 affordable homes, open space, and access with outline permission for 7 self-build plots and an elderly care facility.
Hopkins Homes has undertaken consultation with the local community, North Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council, and has worked closely with these key stakeholders to refine the development.
Key benefits of the proposals include:
- 343 premium new homes as set out in the emerging policy allocation in North Norfolk District Council
- 7 self-build plots
- 15% affordable housing (53 homes) which will be built tenure blind
- 14% biodiversity net gain
- Provision of an elderly care facility (delivering 66 bedspaces)
- Mix of house types and tenures to meet local need
- New and improved pedestrian and cycle links
- Over 4 hectares of open space provision including allotments, a community orchard and play provision
- Retention and enhancement of existing ecological features wherever possible
- Provision for an additional vehicular access into the Nursery Centre site, to assist the growth and prosperity of this key local employment site.
Further details of the scheme, including the changes made following consultation, can be viewed at