Join the Great British Spring Clean 2025

It’s that time of year when we give our homes a thorough spring clean, so they’re fresh and ready for the year. Take this a step further in 2025, by signing up to the Great British Spring Clean.

If you love it when your home is newly clean and uncluttered, how fabulous will it feel if your whole neighbourhood is gleaming and tidy?

Start your Spring Clean

What is the Great British Spring Clean?

The Great British Spring Clean is an annual event organised by the famous national charity, Keep Britain Tidy. It’s Britain’s biggest environment campaign, involving volunteers across the country. In 2024, these #LitterHeroes pledged to pick up 400,000 bags’ worth of rubbish.

This year, the Great British Spring Clean has pledged to increase this to over 425,000 bags, with communities all over the country signing up. Litter picking is a simple action, which when undertaken by a lot of people, can make a massive difference to a street, park or beach.

When is the Great British Spring Clean 2025?

Although you can head out with your gloves, grabber and bin bag at any time of year, Keep Britain Tidy holds its mass clean-up event in March. If you want to join the 2025 Spring Clean, it’s running from 21 March until 6 April this year.

How can I join the 2025 Spring Clean?

Does this sound like something you’d like to be involved with? If so, all you have to do is register as a #LitterHero with Keep Britain Tidy. They’ll then keep you up to date with campaigns and community events in your area.

It could be that your local school, residents’ association, social club or parish group has already signed up, so check in with their social media pages too.

How can I support the Spring Clean at home?

As well as signing up as a #LitterHero and joining in with a community Spring Clean 2025 event, how else can you support the Keep Britain Tidy campaign?

One simple way is to look at how we manage our own household rubbish. Too full waste bins and recycling bags can result in accidental littering, with overspilling items ending up in the verges and hedges of our communities. Being mindful of how we fill our bins (especially in windy weather!) can really help reduce litter.

Here are a few things we can do:

  • Report full, overflowing or broken public litter, recycling and dog waste bins to the council
  • At home, carry out regular checks of your bins and recycling bags or boxes to make sure everything is in good and safe condition
  • If you set out on a dog walk or trip to the park, pack a small rubbish bag and a litter picker (you can buy neat versions that fold up). Give yourself a target, such as “Collect five items on every trip.” Imagine if everyone did this!
  • Next time you meet friends for coffee, suggest a ten-minute litter-pick walk first
  • Raise the #LitterHeroes campaign at your local school, residents’ association, parish or workplace. Could you sign up as an organisation?

Year-round spring cleaning in the community

If you’ve recently moved into a new development, you have a great opportunity to make sure that the neighbourhood keeps its fresh and new feel. Sign up to #LitterHeroes as a community and foster an environment of litter-consciousness from the start.

People are less likely to drop litter if they don’t see any litter. “Broken windows theory” is the idea that a single broken window makes an area look uncared for, leading to antisocial behaviours – and more broken windows. Litterers don’t discard waste in pristine streets, so if you work as a community to keep your new development clean, it should stay that way.

New developments from Hopkins Homes

At Hopkins Homes, we take pride in creating beautiful and healthy environments for people to live in. If you’d like to know more about how we design our developments or how we work with local communities, please get in touch with us.